2007年11月13日 星期二


傳說中的 Google Phone 最近公佈他們的作業系統 Android。這兩天 Android SDK 也公佈了,可以在這裡下載。重點是這個,一併舉辦了 Android Developer Challenge 活動,懸賞一千萬美元。

How It Works

The award money will be distributed equally between two Android Developer Challenges:

  • Android Developer Challenge I: We will accept submissions from January 2 through March 3, 2008
  • Android Developer Challenge II: This part will launch after the first handsets built on the platform become available in the second half of 2008

In the Android Developer Challenge I, the 50 most promising entries received by March 3 will each receive a $25,000 award to fund further development. Those selected will then be eligible for even greater recognition via ten $275,000 awards and ten $100,000 awards.

前 50 名就有兩萬五美金,前 20 名有 兩萬七千五 或者 十萬 美金的獎金。相當的豐厚,震坤上吧~

1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

和股溝的懸賞無關, 不過聽說股溝的全球資料備份中心要落腳台灣啦, 也許以後大家都有機會去股溝工作?